Whether you are new to soap making or a seasoned soap connoisseur, you are bound to be aware of the multiple benefits hot-processed soap possesses. It is a soap-making technique that has been around for centuries and is known for its speed, as well as the fact that it does not require the use of moulds.

The Making of Hot Processed Soap

Hot processed soap is made in a very similar way to cold process soap. The main difference is that hot processed soap uses heat to speed up the saponification process. Saponification is the chemical reaction that occurs when fats and oils are combined with an alkali (lye), which turns them into soap.

Due to the addition of heat, saponification happens much faster, meaning that hot processed soap can be used as soon as it has cooled down and hardened, which is usually after around 24 hours. Here’s how you can make hot processed soap.

Step 1 – Prepare your ingredients and equipment. As with any type of soap making, you will need to gather together all of the necessary ingredients and equipment before you begin. This includes your chosen oils, lye, water, and any essential oils or other add-ins you wish to use.

Step 2 – Melt the oils. The first step is to melt the solid oils in a pot on the stove. Once they have melted, remove the pot from the heat and stir in the liquid oils.

Step 3 – Add the lye to the water. Next, carefully add the lye to the water (never add water to the lye, as this can cause a dangerous chemical reaction). Stir until the lye has completely dissolved.

Step 4 – Add the lye solution to the oils. Once the lye solution has cooled down, slowly pour it into the pot of melted oils and mix everything together with a stick blender.

Step 5 – Cook the soap. Place the pot back on the stove and heat it until the mixture reaches between 130-140 degrees Fahrenheit (54-60 degrees Celsius). Stir frequently to avoid burning.

Step 6 – Mold the soap. Once the soap has reached the correct temperature, pour it into your chosen mould and let it cool for 24 hours. After this time, your hot processed soap will be ready to use!

Bottom Line
Making hot processed soap is a relatively straightforward process. With practice, you’re bound to get the hang of the method very soon.